Spend warm, comforting, cozy evenings outside,
even when temperatures drop.

You’ve set-up your patio and you can’t wait to spend time there on summer evenings. Cool weather shouldn’t be a game-changer if you’ve got the right equipment. A quiet evening between friends, late-night family chats, cuddling or just relaxing in your backyard, can all be available with the warmth of an outdoor fireplace or heating system.

Several municipalities keep a tight watch on outdoor fires and in many cases and for safety purposes, only gas-operated fireplaces are permitted. We have many models and we’re certain you’ll find the look and comfort level that suits your needs.

Outdoor heating: warm up your precious moment

Whether your decor is sleek and modern or more relaxed and traditional, we have designs that can enhance your outdoor living experience. Double-sided, built-in or even table-top models are available to you.

Not enough room for a fireplace? You can still heat your outdoor space and that’s where our outdoor heating systems come in. High quality, gas or Ener-G models are available at BBQaugaz.

Come speak to an expert who can help find the perfect outdoor heating solution that will extend your summer season by adding warmth and comfort to the outdoor space in your home.